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Concept: Katarzyna Pastuszak, Louise Fontain

Direction: Katarzyna Pastuszak

Performance: Louise Fontain, Natalia Chylińska, Tsugumi Matsudaira, Katarzyna Pastuszak, Aleksandra Śliwińska, Daniela Komędera, Magdalena Jędra, Monika Wińczyk

Tekxts: Louise Fontain, Katarzyna Pastuszak, Barbara Szamotulska-Dziubich

Music: Joanna Duda

Duration: 60 min.

is an interdisciplinary performance project which tackles the issues of inner/outer migration, resettlement, and search for identity. 

The performance is inspired by the life story of Inuit Louise Fontain (Greenland/Norway), who is the main character of the piece. When she was a child, Louise Fontain was deported from Greenland to Denmark to a foster family – this Danish government educational/colonization programme included thousands of Inuit children in 1960s/1970s. Louise – like hundreds other Inuit children, lost her mother tongue, her roots, and contact with her family.

The piece is composed of stories of female bodies and lives (choreographed herstories) that circulate around the story of Louise Fontain. Nomadic Woman is also a symbolic space for everyone looking for their lost identity. Through the continuous research of micro-choreographies and female voices, the performance becomes an embodiment of what the authors call the nomadic micro-choreography manifesto. 

Nomadic Woman

Presented in:

POLAND 2018 - “Manggha” Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Cracow within the 4th International Conference on Bornisław Piłsudski and the Ainu

TURKEY 2018 - “Nomadic Woman” presented at the 12. International Ethos Theatre Festival Ankara (Turkey)

JAPAN 2017 - “Nomadic Woman” - Japan Tour (Sapporo and Tokyo)

GREENLAND 2015 - “Nomadic Woman” - Greenland Tour (National Theatre of Greenland - Nuuk)

JAPAN 2014 - “Nomadic Woman" - presented at the 11th International Dance and Theatre Festival at the Theatre X in Tokyo (July 2014)

GREENLAND 2014 - “Nomadic Woman” - Greenland Tour (Sisimiut Kulturhus- Nuuk)


Prizes and awards:

Audience Prize for “Nomadic Woman” performance at Pestka Festival Jelenia Góra (2017)

Nominated to prestigious prize “Splendor Gedanensis” for the Polish-Japanese project „Kantor_Traces” (2016)

Nomination for the prestigious award "Splendor Gedanensis" for directing the performance "Nomadic Woman" and presenting it in the 11th International Dance and Theatre Festival at the Theatre X in Tokyo (2015)

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