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is a performance in which contemportary dance, butō dance, performance art, experimental music and visual arts collide. Kantor_Traces: COLLAGE was directly inspired by the deep yet unplumbed relation between Ankoku butō developed by Hijikata Tatsumi and aesthetic theories and art of Tadeusz Kantor.


“Although geographically remote from each other, both Hijikata and Kantor were interested in themes such as memory, death and decay. Through death Kantor explored life, Hijikata in his Ankoku butoh showed the beauty of ugliness. In a very precisely composed stage image both of them tried to revive something which has passed and showed the fragility of human being here and now. We follow in the footsteps of Kantora and Hijikata and look for common points of reference for us, artists born after 1970. We have chosen three important dates - 1945, 1986, 2011 – and ask the question: who is the man covered by the dust of the past, the man living in the era of psychological, digital and ecological pollution” [Katarzyna Pastuszak]

Kantor_Traces: Collage



Ośrodek Dokumentacji Sztuki Tadeusza Kantora „Cricoteka”


Pokazy w ramach projektu: Scena dla Tańca – Kantor_Tropy 2016”:

Katowice Miasto Ogrodów - Instytucja Kultury im. Krystyny Bochenek

Opera i Filharmonia Białystok

Teatr Polski Bielsko-Biała

Teatr im. A. Mickiewicza Częstochowa

Centrum Kultury - Chorzów

Teatr 8 Dnia - Poznań

Centrum Kultury Drawsko Pomorskie

Klub Żak – Gdańsk

Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury – Kraków

Pokaz w ramach Sceny Tańca Studio, Teatr Studio, Warszawa


25. Alternatywne Spotkania Teatralne  KLAMRA 2017, Toruńa

Concept: Katarzyna Pastuszak

Choreography: Katarzyna Pastuszak, Kae Ishimoto, Yuko Kawamoto

Music: Joanna Duda

Objects: Adriana Majdzińska, Grażyna Tomaszewska-Sobko

Performance: Kae Ishimoto, Yuko Kawamoto, Rui Ishihara, Katarzyna Pastuszak, Aleksandra Śliwińska, Daniela Komędera, Jan Grządziela, Przemysław Jurewicz, Ichi Go

Costumes: Daisuke Tsukuda

Light design: Bartosz Cybowski

Premiere: 14.10.2015, Nowa Synagoga - Gmina Żydowska Wyznaniowa (Gdansk

The project was realised by K. Pastuszak within „Młoda Polska 2015” Stipend of the Polish Ministry of Culture.

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